Search results

58 results found

1961, The Road to Freedom

Category(ies): History
Level(s): Inter.-Sec. (ages 12-13)
Production year: 2015
Country of origin: France

Africa Today

Category(ies): Geography
Level(s): Inter.-Sec. (ages 12-13)
Production year: 2014
Country of origin: France

A World Without Satellites

Category(ies): Science
Level(s): Inter.-Sec. (ages 12-13)
Production year: 2013
Country of origin: France

Alexandre Dumas, the Flamboyant

Category(ies): Biography
Level(s): Inter.-Sec. (ages 12-13)
Production year: 2020
Country of origin: France

A World Without...

Category(ies): Environment
Level(s): Inter.-Sec. (ages 12-13)
Production year: 2013-2020
Country of origin: France

Amazon Tears - Through Her Eyes

Category(ies): Environment
Level(s): Inter.-Sec. (ages 12-13)
Production year: 2015
Country of origin: Canada
58 results found